Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Place In The Sun

Petal shadows, tulip. Norfolk Botanical Gardens.
(Click picture to enlarge)
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"Oh, what subtle shadows are created as the light picks and chooses which petals deserve their place in the sun!" ~ Susan McKinnon Rasmussen

Shadows are often annoying to photographers. Everyone who has ever tried to take a picture in bright full sun has fought with shadows on faces from prominent foreheads or large noses and who hasn't tried to get a macro shot and have their shadow fall across the subject, no matter what contortionist position they try to get in. It is a fact that colors are more true to life on days that are cloudy with even, subdued light. Still, sometimes, the bright light shines just so and creates the perfect shadow as it passes through the does indeed pick and choose which petal deserves its place in the sun.

Go over and visit more "shadows" at Shadow Shot Sunday.... and Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there.

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