Nyssa and Max saying the last "good-bye".... October 2007
"Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love."
~ George Eliot
Through the years, a lot of dogs and cats were loved in our home; some came to us from friends, others were rescued from deplorable conditions in a pet shop and many simply found us on the street or on a college campus. We have lost many too... most from old age ailments, but a few from cancer and accidental mishaps. Each loss is traumatic as these creatures are loved as family members and always give more love than we can ever give them back.
Miss Clover and Max are the two most fresh on my mind so I choose to remember them today. Max was one who found me... a stray, in terrible shape, he never was able to overcome all of his inner demons left from mistreatment at the hands of humans and yet he was the most happy-go-lucky guy in his own space and he knew when to sit quietly by and just "be" with his human. He has been gone two years this November... no longer in pain or suffering from his cancer, but always remembered. This was one of the last pictures I took, Max nose to nose with Nyssa... saying their last good-byes. Max's full memorial post can be viewed here.
Miss Clover came to us with her sister, Miss Chloe as kittens. They loved each other, fought with each other and made all of us laugh. Clover had the most amazing eyes that could look into your soul or shoot daggers at the other cats. Though her eyes remained clear and cool... she lost her sight, probably due to some other aging process. Though she seemed to waste away in front of me, she was still up for giving me her usual raspy tongue lashing, even on that last day. I'm glad it was a sunny day, a day she could feel the sun on her back and the grass under her feet. She left us almost a year ago now... October 2008. Miss Clover's memorial post is here.
Both of these friends gave more love than most, both were loved deeply and both are missed terribly. Today, I remember them once again.
(end of post)
PS: I understand that there is technical difficulty at the home of the hunt so we are winging it today.
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