Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winter: Snow? Don't Count On It!

Stark winter trees... but no snow! Posted by Picasa

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the landscape - the loneliness of it - the dead feeling of winter.
Something waits beneath it - the whole story doesn't show."
~ Andrew Wyeth

Winter rarely has snow here, but routinely the lows set up off shore and winds blow in from the northeast. These howl through the trees in the preserve behind the house and the trees sway, their bare limbs clacking against each other as stray pine cones pelt the rooftop. Two of the tallest pine trees were dead and this winter, during one of these wind events, the tops broke off the trunks, about 20 to 25 feet off the ground and both fell, at the same time. While neither large trunk fell across the fence, we did have many broken limbs and pine cones throughout the back yard. Large twisted limbs from viable pines were also taken down by their fall and landed, still in the preserve but close to the sidewalk. Now, the woodpeckers of all types are having a wonderful time with the remnants.

Soon, these trees will burst forth with pale, green leafy buds..... time moves too fast!

This picture is for Carmi's weekly thematic posts.... this week... winter. Sorry but we just haven't had enough snow to photograph this year!

(end of post)

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