Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Just Another Yellow Rose?

Another yellow rose... and it is blooming in my garden.
(Click picture to enlarge)
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"If the rose puzzled its mind over the question how it grew, it would not have been the miracle that it is." ~ J. B. Yeats

The yellow table rose bush I planted last year. It bloomed all summer and far into the fall... deep into October. I trimmed it back and it is more full this year, loaded with buds. This is another picture for my brother, who loves roses but always seems to be singing somewhere else when they start to bloom. The dark lavender pink rose was the first.... then they all burst into bloom. Today was perfect for pictures, gray skies and rain..

This rose always looks so smooth and soft... like lemon sherbet... I love the yellow sunshine packaged in these petals. Carmi has a weekly theme... and this week it is.... (drum roll)... "yellow". So many yellows... so little time to post them.

(end of post)

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