Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Dime" Is Money

One thin dime. (Click picture for larger view) Posted by Picasa
"The whole value of the dime is in knowing what to do with it." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
There is a television channel here called the NYCTV that broadcasts programs all about New York. Diane told me about one called "New York on $9.99 a day." I've been checking the website and Nyssa and I are going to give it a try. Governor's Island is open to the public and you are free to explore to your hearts content. She told us of a graveyard here that is the home to exotic green parrots. Apparently many years ago several were set free and took up residence there. Now there are over fifty parrots living in the trees here. Prospect Park has a large antique working carousel with rides going for $1.00 a piece and the subway will take you from the far end of Long Island through Manhattan to the Bronx for $2.00. We have visitor's passes to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and the library is free. Now that the girl is here we will be venturing out in the world more. I just hope my digital batteries hold out.

Submission for Tuesdays Photos topic "money". (end of post)

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