"Keeping in touch with childhood memories keeps us believing in life's simplest pleasures like a rainy afternoon, a swing set, and a giant puddle to play in." ~ Chrissy OgdenWe capture the joys of childhood on film, preserving those precious moments for years to come. It always happens, childhood memories fade and details dim; but the bits and pieces of our lives and our children's lives are there in the pictures to be reclaimed and revisited as the years pass. Pictures lead to stories and the stories, to our whole family history, from generation to generation. So, for today's Photo Hunt I offer these small glimpses into my daughter's childhood.
At preschool, the birthday girl gets to wear a crown and everyone has cupcakes. Patrick is sticking his head into the picture, bless his heart, this child was the poster boy for hyperactivity. What girl would not like this preschool? That year the 3 year old class contained ten boys and two little girls. Never again would those odds be in play.
On a break from The Phantom of the Opera, Nyssa's Uncle Stephen would visit us in Mississippi. He always was willing to play those games: Hungry Hungry Hippo, Scrabble, Manacala, Scattagories, Uno.... you name it, they played it through the years. When the coffee pot appeared, she knew Uncle Stephen would be arriving soon. He is still her favorite fellow.
Grandma and Grandpa have lived in Virginia Beach since before her birth. For years our summer vacation included a two week trip to their house. Sometimes they would plan a few side trips to historical places like Appomattox, Gettysburg, Hershey PA, and to Lancaster, PA to see the drama Noah. There were also local visits to the Living Museum, Marine Science Museum and Williamsburg. We've picked blueberries in Pungo and peaches in North Carolina. And no visit to Grandma's house would be complete without feeding the ducks and geese at Mt. Trashmore. Even now, it is a tradition.
Merry-go-rounds speak of childhood when time seems to stand still for the child and yet flies faster than the wind for a parent. Round and round, up and down with bright colorful horses and circus animals, sparkling lights and pipe organ music; the joy and mystery of the carousel never ends. It doesn't matter if it is in a mall, or part of a traveling amusement show, or in a park or at Disney World... it is a permanent fixture of childhood. Nyssa turned 21 a week ago and she still rides every merry-go-round she runs across.
"Childhood is a magic castle of sand on a shore.The theme for Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt this week is "childhood". You can go here to "Grab the Scavenger Hunt code" and here to join the blogroll. This really cute logo is available there as well. The link to other participants is in my blogroll on the sidebar.
One moment, it's here the next, no more."
~ Imelda U. Antonio
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