Tucker. July 2006. (Click pictures for larger view)

"No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat." ~ Leo Dworken
A Message from HeavenJust three weeks ago I held Tucker in my arms and scratched his ears as he purred. He was my charge and I was his "nanny" for two weeks. He became my "Tucker Dude" and at almost 17 years of age he was quite the gentleman, at least to his humans. Yesterday, August 23rd, Tucker took his final trip to the dreaded vet and his suffering was ended. Fortunately for him, his last illness was short and the end quick, as he was severely ill for only a few days. But for his "Mom", Diane and his "Dad", Alec it was much too sudden. The cancer stayed hidden until just before the end, but he knew it was his time to go; as all animals know.
Speak not of death
for there is no such thing-
there is merely a parting of the ways.
I will walk on a little while
and wait
for you to count the sum of all your days.
And when you come
you'll find me waiting
with shining eyes
and silken well groomed fur.
You'll take me in your arms
just as you used to do
and angel choirs will be
drowned out by purrs.
~ By Helen Mack
(From Cindy's Cat Pages: 140)
Diane said, "Tucker was indeed a dude! He was a blue collar street cat from Chicago! He was a strange mug of a guy and so darn lovable!" He had his quirks. My brother was his "Uncle" all these years and loved to tease him with a flashlight or laser light. Tucker never did figure out that it was just a light and he would launch himself in the air to grab that spot off the wall.

A Younger Tucker. (Picture by Diane)
Tucker went through a period of extreme "night vocalization", to the point that neither Diane nor Stephen could get any sleep. Stephen says there were those moments when he was trapped in a car with Tucker, traveling cross-country and his loud, persistent meowing got on his very last nerve. "There were many times on that trip I could have rolled down the window and sent him sailing out of the car, but then he would snuggle on your lap and endear himself completely."

Stephen & Tucker: They were both much younger in this picture.
Stephen had no gray in his hair. (Picture by Diane)
These last few years Tucker lost his hearing; thus his meows became even louder. I experienced this at 4AM when he decided he was hungry. While I may have indulged his whims at this early hour and upset all of Diane's training; I'm glad I fed him whenever he wanted food and rubbed his head whenever he wanted it and brushed his coat and rearranged our sleeping positions so he could have the middle of the bed. None of us knew his time was so short.
My only regret? I would have taken more pictures of Tucker those two weeks in New York. Nyssa and I were fortunate to get to know him, even if only for a short time. He was the "Tucker Dude". He was rescued from the streets. He was given an extravagant life. He was loved by many. He will be missed by all his humans.
Rest in Peace, Tucker.
Tucker visited Friday's Ark a few weeks ago and his memorial will be posted there this week. (end of post)
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