Friday, August 26, 2005

Tranquility Amid Chaos

Chloe and Clover sleep quietly and serenely amid the chaos that exists in the room around them.
"At times our lives seem like that of a tranquil island in a sea of chaos. The battle is to keep this sea of chaos at bay and not let it wash us away into utter chaos."
~ Sanjeeva Ananthan
Photo Friday's theme "Chaos" is really appropriate for today. Max, our sweet but somewhat damaged rescue dog had to go to the vet for grooming under sedation. He won't let anyone touch his feet or stomach unless completely out. It is easier for him and all concerned. On the drive to the vet he sits in the seat next to me singing this high pitched "hooting" song of his: (sounds like) " nauseum" all the way to the vet. This is chaos number one for the day.

I return home, pick out the appropriate picture (above) for my entry, discarding the one of Nyssa's desk at MSMS her senior year (it really was not chaos, but organized chaos in the pic) and started Hello to upload with BloggerBot. Joy! BloggerBot is offline! I don't like Flickr so I'll try the loader that comes with Blogger. As you can see it managed, barely. Took forever! I have tried to find out what BloggerBot's problem is but as we know with most things, you start a help ticket and get an automated reply e-mail. The answer might come three weeks from next Tuesday and be totally irrelevant because it will be fixed (whatever it was) by then. So this is chaos number 2.

These events make the actual picture seem serene. Of course these two older ladies can sleep through and on a significant amount of chaos. I think they do an outstanding job fulfilling the advice in the quote. If only I were as equally equipped. But guess what? I feel better now.

This post is late for Friday's Ark but I will send it anyway so that the "girls" can hang out with their other kitty friends. They will also be hanging at Carnival of the Cats this Sunday, hosted by Annoying Little Twerp.

1 comment:

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