Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Note to My Love, Sophie

Rhett rests with his Christmas gift from Sophie. (Click picture for larger view) Posted by Picasa
"There is no 'cat language.' Painful as it is for us to admit, they don't need one!" ~ Barbara Holland
Rhett had a very special package under the tree this year; not from "Santy Claws" but from his girlfriend, Sophie. He was very good and didn't unwrap it before Christmas Day. He kept the other kitties from messing with it; they could sniff but not touch. He wanted me to call her so he could talk, but Sophie's mom is on vacation so he is writing a letter instead. It is as follows:
My dearest Sophie,
As I write this letter, I keep the fragrant catnip bag under my other paw. Thank you for this lovely token of your affection; your generosity is surpassed only by your radiant beauty. Your mom's note said that you played with the mouse bag before you let her send it. You are wise as well as gorgeous. I could smell your delicate scent on the little bag; I gazed at your picture and knew that this was from my love. I am so giddy from the catnip and thoughts of you, that I can write no more for now; but remember my heart is yours.
With all my love,

Rhett is a little flowery with his letter, but he is a Southern gentleman after all.

Rhett will join his friends (and hopefully Sophie) at Friday's Ark and will read about other beautiful cats at this weeks Carnival of the Cats, hosted by Elms in the Yard. (end of post)

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