Monday, March 20, 2006


Sunshine on a slender stalk. (Click picture for larger view) Posted by Picasa
"Daffy-down-dilly came up in the cold,
Through the brown mold
Although the March breeze blew keen on her face,
Although the white snow lay in many a place.
~ Anna Bartlett Warner (used pseudonym Amy Lothrop), Daffy-Down-Dilly
Daffodils so varied; many shades of yellow, cream and peach dot the landscape right now. They grow wild on the bank of the easement behind the fence and around the redbud bushes in the front yard. This year they bloomed with the crocus and the hyacinth but before the tulips. So delicate , yet strong against the strong north wind of the past few days, I expect their little sunshine faces will grace our yard and lift winter spirits for many days to come, at least through mid April don't you think? I have quite a few photos of their frills and petals and trumpets; this one is for Vicki, who loves yellow, revels in nature and inspires us all.

PS: Until tonight I didn't know that Anna Bartlett Warner also penned the words of the most beloved children's hymn, Jesus Loves Me.

(end of post)

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