Roommates: First they were strangers, now great friends. (Patrice & Nyssa, 2006) (Click picture for larger view)

"Laughter is an interior convulsion, producing a distortion of the features and accompanied by inarticulate noises. It is infectious and, though intermittent, incurable." ~ Ambrose Bierce (American Writer, Journalist and Editor, 1842-1914)Laughter is infectious. Almost every time Nyssa calls me to chat or ask a question, I hear laughter. I confess that it annoys me a little. She is the poster child for why you should not talk on a cell phone and drive; only parts of our conversation actually make sense. Laughter in the background erupts into her laughter and voices make garbled comments with Nyssa's reply very audible on my end. Sometimes it is obvious that her comment was not meant for me as it has nothing to do with the topic. Giggles, more garbled talk, laughter; is there ALWAYS a party going on in her room? More often than not it is just her roommate or a single friend (with a little help from the radio or computer) who, along with Nyssa generate such chaos. Still, after reflection, I'm pleased. She can laugh when skies are raining, when the work is overwhelming and when it looks as if things are going to crash and burn. Then when things clear their laughter can be full and free and joyous; they become as little children again. Oh, that we could keep that infectious laughter and joy our whole lives through. We would be far happier for it.
Submission for Moody Monday topic "infectious". (end of post)
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